Tuesday, July 15, 2014

My World In Youtube Videos

I tried to write something that sums up everything, and just couldn't.

Why I want to go into film:
I used to want to be a writer.  And I quickly realized that no matter how hard I try, I would never be satisfied with anything I ever wrote.  I'm always missing something.  It never is as effective or provocative or interesting or beautiful or emotional as I want it to be.

But there's something special about words and music and pictures and when you put them all together, it says more to me than any epic could.
I sometimes spend weeks and months writing, and it never makes me feel the way I want it to.

These videos are everything I have always failed to communicate.  

They are everything to me.

If you watch all of these videos from start to finish, I'm pretty sure you will transcend.

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